About Sugarfoot

Hi, I'm Eleanor. 

I am the owner and creator of the brand Sugarfoot Boutique. 

For starters, I want to share why the name Sugarfoot Boutique is so special to me. My Papa, my mom's dad, has always called me Sugarfoot. Growing up, and still to this day, my Papa was my hero and the strongest man in the world in my eyes. I learned what it takes to run a successful business from him and he instilled hard work values into me from the time I was a little girl. I am so proud that I get to start my business with such a meaningful name and with the intentions of making my Papa proud.

All of my life I have been a plus size girl struggling to find size inclusive clothing. I have always wanted to be able to shop where my friends shop without the embarrassment of the store not having my size. 

I created this brand with the hopes of empowering women of all shapes and sizes to feel seen, heard, represented, supported and celebrated. I am working hard to find the perfect size inclusive offerings for all women. Until then, I am offering a size inclusive t-shirt line, as well as the trendiest necklaces, earrings, bracelets, bags, bath products, stationary items, candles and more! 

Women of all shapes, sizes and colors are beautiful! I hope you find something in my store to make you feel like your fabulous self! 

Thanks for being apart of my story.

With love,

Eleanor Sizemore